The four hours of testimony from Ivanka Trump on Wednesday
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On Wednesday, Ivanka Trump’s four hours of testimony could almost be summed up in three words: “I don’t recall”.

Former President Donald Trump’s eldest daughter has become the fourth member of his family to testify in a civil fraud suit filed by New York’s attorney general, who accuses him of inflating his net worth to secure bank loans.

Her three predecessors, Mr. Trump and his two sons, Donald Jr. and Eric, varied from bombastic to humorous to visibly agitated approaches.

On the stand, Ms Trump, unlike them, exhibited a different persona.

Although lawyers and Judge Arthur Engoron’s tempers began to flare, the 42-year-old remained calm and tightly controlled. She answered questions in a quiet and sometimes monotone voice, always polite to the judge and other court officials.

According to University of Richmond law professor Cal Tobias, her actions were in sharp contrast to those of her father earlier this week. The judge is not engaging in a jousting match with her, she is not making political statements, and she is addressing the judge respectfully.”

Despite her differing style, Ms Trump’s testimony had one element in common with her brothers: she didn’t seem to remember much about the issues.

In response to prosecutor Lou Solomon’s questions about whether Ms Trump was aware of her father’s financial statements, she mostly answered “I don’t remember” or “I don’t know”.

Did you prepare Donald J Trump’s statements of financial condition?” Mr Solomon asked.

“Not that I’m aware of,” Ms Trump replied.

“Did you ever review any of Donald J Trump’s statements of financial condition before they were finalised?” the prosecutor asked.

“I don’t recall,” she said.