Tesla shareholder calls on board to suspend Elon Musk
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Tesla shareholder calls on board to suspend Elon Musk for endorsing anti-Semitic views in social media post on X according to an investor in the electric vehicle company and a leading management expert.

First American Trust president Jerry Braakman wants Tesla’s board to send a clear message that Musk went too far by agreeing with an antisemitic post on X (formerly known as Twitter) that claims Jewish communities promote hatred against whites.

“I believe in free speech, but a CEO of a public company spreading hatred is not acceptable,” Braakman said.

Despite not explicitly mentioning Musk’s post, some of their advertisements were found near antisemitic posts on X, according to a Media Matters report.

Tesla shareholder calls on that Tesla’s board to place Musk on leave for 30 to 60 days and require him to attend empathy training or therapy.

No matter how rich or how technical or business savvy he is, none of his statements are excused. The demons he carries have only been amplified by it. “It screams that he needs help,” Braakman said.

The Yale School of Management’s dean for leadership studies agrees that Tesla’s board should hold Musk accountable.

It is the board’s responsibility to act. He should not be allowed to use the title of chief executive officer. In a Monday statement, Sonnenfeld said, “That should be suspended right away.”.

If Musk served as CEO instead of chief technology officer, the impact on the share price would be minimal.

Additionally, Musk serves on Tesla’s board of directors and is the company’s largest individual shareholder. Musk held approximately $196 billion worth of shares as of the end of March, a 13% stake.

The only person who can hold him accountable is his board. The board has a lot of friends for him,” Braakman said.