Sushmita Sen finally breaks silence on ‘gold digger’
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The Bollywood superstar Sushmita Sen has shed some light on the allegations she’s facing.

Her romantic links with Lalit Modi led to the allegations emerging for those unaware.

In the past, many characterized her as a ‘gold digger’ due to her associations.

During an interview with Zoom TV, the star ‘finally’ broke her silence.

As she began the conversation, she stated, “I think it’s good that you brought up those comments so I could define ‘gold digger’.”

I don’t receive insults because “an insult is an insult when you receive it.”. This is why I don’t receive insults.”

Sen believes that certain things are none of our business. There is no need to say it’s none of your business, but I love the phrase “not your business.”

During this conversation, she clarified her current relationship status and said, “FYI, I am single as they come.”. Nothing to do with you, NYOB. Putting it out there is always nice.”

Additionally, she clarified her real reason for speaking out about the issue during her chat.

When I issued a long comment on it, there were a lot of people from my fraternity showing up in interviews saying, ‘We never expected Sushmita Sen to even respond to that. It wasn’t even necessary for her to do so,” she explained.

It’s my business, I respond when I want if I want if I don’t want I won’t. It’s just that when I feel it’s time to speak up or take a stand on something, I do so…The problem is that in these days of social media something triggers a reaction.

Sen also added, “I am not built that way.” before signing off. My response to things comes when I am ready after absorbing things for a while.”

