People are fainting queuing up for bread.
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One of the main routes linking Armenians living in Nagorno-Karabakh with Azerbaijan is called the Road of Life.

However, Azerbaijani authorities have blocked the Lachin Corridor for nearly nine months, resulting in severe shortages of food, medications, hygiene products, and fuel.

A video call is taking place between Hayk, 18, and his mother from the balcony of a modest hotel in Goris, Armenia.

In Martakert, a Karabakh town, his mother says “there are no eggs, no sugar, there are no sweets at all, and bread is rationed.”

Hayk is not his real name. I have changed it for his own safety.

Azerbaijan has blocked the Lachin Corridor since December, preventing Armenians from reaching their families.

The Nagorno-Karabakh enclave has not been accessible to independent media. It has been circulating on social media that empty shops are being photographed and filmed.

There are long queues for minimal food rations. “People are fainting in the bread queues,” local journalist Irina Hayrapetyan says in a recorded voice message.

The people walk many kilometres to stand in queues to buy whatever they can to feed their families because there is no fuel for transport.”

Malnutrition is blamed for one out of three deaths in Nagorno-Karabakh, according to local authorities.

Hayk’s mother tells of a pregnant woman who lost her child because she had no petrol to reach the hospital.

Since March, she hasn’t had gas, no fuel, no medication – not even shampoo – and regular power outages. As winter approaches, the situation will worsen.

The boy feels hatred, fear and despair: “I know Azerbaijan will take my home, my city, my country sooner or later.