Migrant caravan heading through Mexico to US
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Migrants from southern Mexico have been setting off on foot for the United States in large numbers.

The migrant caravan now has around 7,000 people, up from 5,000 days ago, according to its organizer.

President Joe Biden will meet with leaders from the region on Friday to discuss ways to curb the flow of migrants into the country.

As a result of his handling of migration, particularly at the US-Mexico border, Vice President Biden has come under fire.

He has been criticized by Republicans for not doing enough to stem the flow, while Democrat mayors have weighed in, saying their cities can’t house and feed the migrants due to Republican governors busing them there.

As of the end of 2022 and 2023 fiscal years, more than 2 million people were apprehended along the US southern border.

US Border Patrol apprehended more than 200,000 migrants crossing the US-Mexico border unlawfully in September 2023 alone, according to US Homeland Security.

Migrants who joined the caravan, which left Tapachula on Monday, say they are determined to reach the United States.

A Venezuelan father who was taking Reuters news agency on a long walk with his wife and two daughters said, “In Venezuela things are very tough. We can’t live on the money we get, and that’s why we’re going to the United States.”

One of the organisers of the caravan, Irineo Mújica of the NGO People without Borders, said that the migrants had set off together after having been left “stranded” by Mexican authorities in increasingly dangerous Chiapas state.

“Organized crime has already taken hold in Chiapas, and violence is everywhere.”.