Irishman Alan Fisher unseats as cooking marathon record holder
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At his Irish-themed restaurant in Matsue, Alan Fisher cooked for 119 hours and 57 minutes, according to Guinness World Records (GWR).

As a result of Mr Fisher’s new record, Hilda Baci has been dethroned as the world record holder.

In Nigeria, she caused a sensation by winning the title earlier this year.

People in her country tried to get themselves into the record books by doing things like crying or singing non-stop following her world-record attempt.

It took the Nigerian 93 hours and 11 minutes to break the record.

In her own words at the time, “I knew that I had to do something out of the ordinary to put myself on the map, to put Nigeria on the map, to put young African women on the map.”

GWR quotes Mr Fisher as saying that Lata (a former record holder) and Hilda’s achievements served as an inspiration.

Ms Baci’s record has now been surpassed by Mr Fisher, who peeled 300kg of potatoes during his cooking marathon.

As fatigue set in, it became increasingly difficult for him to stay awake when he sat down to peel.

“The rhythm of peeling almost hypnotised me. I had one hallucination on the second-to-last day. I turned to ask someone to pass me something and there was no one there.”