Trump’s sons a study in contrasts on witness stand
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There is a possibility that Donald Trump’s two sons wore the same outfits when they appeared in court to testify in the business fraud case that threatens their family’s business empire.

There was even a similarity between Donald Jr. and Eric Trump’s ties, both pale blue.

However, the two brothers’ testimonies were a study in contrasts. The public personas of their father’s business ventures and political activities are inextricably linked, but their temperaments and reputations are distinctly different.

Trump Jr., the eldest, continued to display some of the bravado and humour he displayed on Wednesday.

In spite of running the company and being a trustee of his father’s revocable trust, he denied any involvement in the accounting practices that had drawn the attention of the New York state attorney general.

After a series of repetitive questions from state’s attorney Colleen Faherty, he replied, “Rinse and repeat.”.

When the courtroom artists were recessing, he appeared to flirt with them.

In a playful joke, he asked one of them to make him look sexy.

Trump Jr. has developed into a younger, slightly more polished version of his father, the former US president. His best-known role is that of a top campaign surrogate, occasionally mimicking his father’s speech patterns.

Donald Trump Sr’s “witch hunt” defense was refined by his statements outside the Manhattan court.

As he told reporters, “the attorney general has brought forth a case that is purely political persecution.”

On the other hand, Eric Trump was more circumspect when he started giving evidence late on Thursday morning.

Eric Trump is primarily associated with the family business, while his brother dominates the political sphere.