Trudeau calls praise for Nazi-linked veteran
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During a Friday visit by Ukraine’s president, House of Commons Speaker Anthony Rota called Yaroslav Hunka, 98, a hero.

Inviting Mr Hunka to the event, Mr Rota said he did not know of Mr Hunka’s Nazi connections.

There have been calls for him to resign.

Mr Trudeau told reporters on Monday that it was “extremely upsetting”.

It is deeply embarrassing for the Parliament of Canada, and by extension for all Canadians.”

As Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky was addressing the parliament on Friday, the incident occurred.

As Mr Hunka sat in the gallery of the House of Commons, Mr Rota pointed to him, calling him “a Ukrainian hero, a Canadian hero, and we thank him for his service”.

Applause erupted in the building.

Millions of Ukrainians served in the Soviet Red Army during the war, whereas thousands fought on the German side.

On Sunday, Mr Rota said he regretted his decision to honor Mr Hunka after learning more information.

“No one, including fellow parliamentarians and the Ukraine delegation, knew my intention or my remarks before I delivered them,” he said. The individual in question is from my riding [district] and was brought to my attention.”

“I accept full responsibility for my actions and extend my deepest apologies to Jewish communities in Canada and around the world.”