Port hosts world’s first methanol run freight ship
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The world’s first container ship powered by methanol has docked at the UK’s busiest container port.

Earlier today, the Laura Maersk arrived at Felixstowe, Suffolk.

With its greener credentials, the Danish vessel has been hailed as a “historic milestone” for global shipping.

The engine is powered by methanol, an external, non-permanent chemical that is broken down in the environment.

In some racing cars, the clear, flammable liquid has been used.

By 2040, Maersk, the logistics company that owns the vessel, plans to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions.

A total of 12 methanol-enabled ships were ordered last year, each costing $175m (£130m) and capable of carrying 16,000 containers.

According to the company, its methanol will come from a US-based facility that captures biogas from decomposing organic waste in landfills.

According to the UK Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology, container ships emit up to 3% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions.

According to a report, external published by that office in 2022, 95% of UK trade is transported by ship.

Global shipping’s greenhouse gas emissions are likely to increase over the next decade without “rapid action to decarbonize the sector”.

The issue was addressed at a UN summit earlier this year.

Laura Maersk is scheduled to depart Felixstowe at 16:00 BST on Friday, according to the Port of Felixstowe.