Plan for 40% of train services to run during strikes
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Approximately 40% of rail services in Great Britain will operate during strikes under planned minimum service rules.

The legislation is expected to take effect before Christmas, according to ministers.

In addition, ambulance workers and border security staff in England, Wales, and Scotland will be required to meet minimum standards.

Despite the government’s claim that the measures were “proportionate,” unions have criticized them as unworkable.

Strikes have been taking place across the public sector since wages have not kept up with inflation.

There have been many resolutions to these disputes, but others persist.

The RMT union, which represents other rail workers, and the Aslef union, which represents train drivers, are in dispute at the moment.

It is possible that we will see more strike action in the coming months, as union members have regularly walked out over pay and conditions in the past 18 months, including last Christmas.

Ministers have the authority to set minimum standards for health, fire, education, border security, and nuclear decommissioning services under a law passed by Parliament earlier this year.

It is likely that some employees will be required to work during industrial action and could be sacked if they refuse, while unions’ failure to comply could lead to employers suing them for up to a million pounds in damages.

A government consultation on the service levels required for ambulance and rail workers has been completed, with consultations on other sectors to follow.

To ensure priority routes remain open during strike action, the government required train operators to operate 40% of normal timetables.

Employees of the Border Force and some Passport Office staff in England, Wales and Scotland will also be affected by the legislation.