Pick-your-own-cherry festival postponed as blackbirds ‘devour’ every cherry
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While festival cancellations are common due to severe weather, safety concerns, health issues, and more, it is uncommon to cancel a festival due to a flock of blackbirds.

Pick-your-own cherry festival organisers in Cornwall, England, canceled the event after some “cheeky” blackbirds stripped the cherries of their fruit, The Huffington Post reported.

A five-day cherry-picking festival was scheduled to begin on Wednesday by the National Trust in Calstock, which manages the mediaeval house and grounds at Cotehele. 

According to trust officials on Instagram, the event had to be postponed because of avian interference.

Blackbirds at Cotehele have eaten all of the cherries in the orchard, according to an Instagram post.

Since the weather was unpredictable this spring, the blossoms were staggered across a longer period, which reduced pollination and resulted in fewer cherries growing,” the post said.

“We’re sorry for the inconvenience and disappointment. We hope to bring this event back next year. In the meantime, you can join us for our Summer of Play and Apple Picking in September,” they said.

the cheeky blackbirds

According to Laura Jarman of the National Trust, all 80 cherry trees in the orchard were stripped of their cherries within a few days.

Catehele still intends to host an apple-picking event later this year, and she hopes to host a cherry-picking event next summer, if the blackbirds cooperate.