Pakistan, Japan decide to boost bilateral ties on Bilawal’s maiden visit
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During Pakistani Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari’s maiden visit to the country since becoming president last year, the two sides agreed to strengthen their bilateral cooperation in several areas.

A number of sectors were discussed, including trade, investment, human resource development and exchange, information technology, tourism, and agriculture.

During a joint press stakeout in Tokyo, FM and his Japanese counterpart Yoshimasa Hayashi said that they would explore the possibility of working together on targeted programs that would have a greater impact in areas such as solarization, desalination, water purification, and housing and infrastructure rebuilding.

The FM met Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida in the country’s capital later that day.

Foreign Office says he conveyed greetings from the Pakistani Government and people. Both leaders expressed a desire to enhance engagement and cooperation.

A cordial meeting had earlier taken place between the two ministers. Despite expressing their readiness to engage further, both ministers appreciated the free bilateral relations between their countries.

A language skill assessment test will be conducted in Pakistan for the Japanese language to facilitate the movement of skilled workers.

FM Bilawal said the two sides also identified the import of young Pakistani skilled human resources into Japan and their language training as prime areas of cooperation.

During our discussion, the foreign minister also mentioned investments and joint ventures by Japanese companies in Pakistan.

In addition to engaging with the private sector, local media, and think tanks, he said he would network with the private sector during his visit.

“Both sides should continue to engage in positive dialogue at all levels and explore more ways of cooperating.”

A further meeting with his Japanese counterpart is also scheduled at the convenience of the foreign minister.

Having deep-rooted linkages that go back centuries, Pakistan and Japan are longstanding friends.

Pakistanis have a deep affection for Japan and its people. We’ve always stood by each other in need,” he said.

As a result of continued high-level exchanges, FM Bilawal said the relationship had gained energy and vigor last year.

On 4 August 2022, I had the honor of meeting Minister Hayashi at Phnom Penh, Cambodia on the sidelines of the 29th ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF). We continued our discussions today.” he added.