Karachi should be made separate province
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Mirza Muhammad Afridi, Senate Deputy Chairman, has suggested creating nine more provinces, including Karachi, for better administration.

As part of an interview, the senator recommended dividing Balochistan into three provinces, Punjab into two provinces, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) into two provinces, and Sindh into one province.

Independent lawmaker Afridi called for separating the Hazara district of KP from its tribal areas (formerly Fata).

There will be more benefits for Pakistan if there are more provinces. Mirza Afridi said the problems in the country would be solved if new provinces were formed.

Asked how resources would be shared after the 18th amendment, he said the provinces would continue to get their share.

Moreover, the senator added that if new provinces are formed, they will continue to receive a share of the NFC (National Finance Commission) award, lamenting that the government has not fulfilled its promises to FATA.

Despite the difficulties facing FATA’s people today, the lawmaker expressed many concerns.

Additionally, Afridi said he has spoken to Finance Minister Ishaq Dar about the funds issue.