FO confirms 15 Pakistanis died in Greece boat disaster
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  • It is not yet possible to determine the exact number of DNA samples shared with Greece.

  • As part of its investigation into the disaster, Greece interviews survivors.

  • FO: Indian politicians are obsessed with Pakistan.


According to The News, Greek authorities confirmed that 15 Pakistanis died in the tragic boat disaster last month through fingerprint matches and DNA tests.

In a weekly media briefing on Thursday, a Foreign Office spokesperson announced that “Greek authorities have autopsied all 78 dead bodies recovered and DNA samples have been obtained. DNA samples have also been analyzed.”

The DNA reports that had been received were from people who feared their loved ones might be aboard. 

As a result, it is unclear if they were actually on the boat. In light of the dynamic nature of this process, I am unable to provide you with the exact number of DNA samples that have been shared with Greek authorities, but we can share this information with our media friends separately,” she explained.

The Greek government has initiated a judicial inquiry into the disaster after Pakistan took up the issue with them. 

In order to ascertain the circumstances of the ferry disaster, Greek authorities interviewed survivors. We will remain in contact with them. 

As soon as these inquiry details are released, we will be able to share further information with you,” the spokeswoman said.

In response to questions regarding statements from senior Indian politicians, the spokeswoman said some Indian officials and politicians appeared to have an unhealthy obsession with Pakistan. 

In light of that, we should examine their statements. We have repeatedly emphasized the importance of not using terrorism to score diplomatic points or avoid interstate engagement. In relation to India’s involvement in terrorist activities in Pakistan, Pakistan has its own concerns, and we have provided credible evidence to support that claim. 

“We believe that India should not hold regional cooperation hostage to its hegemonic ambitions and belligerent posturing,” she said.

In response to the Indian defence minister’s anti-Pakistan remarks, she said those remarks were deplorable. 

“Pakistan rejects all his false assertions. The ground realities in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK) are diametrically opposed to the Indian defence minister’s portrayal. 

In contrast, Azad Jammu and Kashmir is peaceful, open, and accessible to the world, while IIOJK is managed as a vast open prison by India. 

It is well-documented that India committed egregious human rights violations in IIOJK, including by the UN Human Rights machinery, the media, and international human rights organizations. IIOJK is also one of the most militarized zones in the world,” she said.

In light of the fact that a five-member bench of the Indian Supreme Court has been formed to hear the unilateral decision of August 15, 2019, in IIOJK, the spokeswoman was asked to comment on the matter.

The final disposition of Jammu and Kashmir should be determined in accordance with UN Security Council resolutions and the aspirations of Kashmiri people. 

In her words, “There can be no substitute for the right of self-determination of Kashmiri people.”

Kashmir has never been recognized by Pakistan, she said. 

Therefore, Article 370, as well as any other provision of the Indian constitution perpetuating India’s occupation, has never been accepted by Pakistan. 

As of 2019, Pakistan was concerned about India’s unilateral and illegal actions in IIOJK to disempower Kashmiri people. 

To promote peace and dialogue, these measures must be rescinded, she said.