Europe heatwave: More record temperatures expected also
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The southern parts of Europe are baking in extreme heat, with temperatures reaching 40C (104F) in Greece.

In order to protect visitors, the Acropolis, the country’s most popular tourist attraction, was closed during the hottest hours of the day.

Another heatwave is expected to bring potentially record temperatures next week.

It is possible that extreme weather conditions will affect Italy, Spain, France, Germany, and Poland, according to the European Space Agency (ESA).

Through its satellites, the ESA monitors temperatures on land and at sea.

A temperature of 48.8C was recorded in Sicily in August 2021, which was the highest ever recorded in Europe.

Greece is also at risk of wildfires, especially in areas with high winds. As a result of another exceptional heatwave in 2021, it suffered major wildfires.

There were fires on Thursday in Croatia, destroying houses and cars in at least one village, Grebastica, on the Dalmatian coast. On Friday morning, Croatian TV reported that the fire had been contained.

Central parts of Europe have also been experiencing high temperatures, including Germany and Poland.

The Czech meteorological office warned that temperatures at the weekend could rise above 38C, an exceptionally high level for the country.

In the UK, parts of England are expected to experience heavy showers and gusty winds on Saturday.

This was caused by the southern shift of the jet stream, which was fueling hot weather in Europe, as well as bringing cooler and unsettled weather to the UK.

Volunteers from the Hellenic Red Cross hand out water bottles

A British man died outside the Colosseum in Rome earlier this week after collapsing from heatstroke, while several visitors to the country have collapsed from heatstroke.

It is caused by the Cerberus heatwave, named after Dante’s three-headed monster in Inferno by the Italian Meteorological Society.

The next heatwave will push temperatures back above 40C next week, according to Italian weather forecasters – dubbed Charon after the ferryman in Greek mythology who delivered souls to the underworld.

The US, China, North Africa, and Japan are also experiencing heatwaves.