Business leaders expect AI investments to pay off immediately
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Businesses across industries are scrambling to integrate new technologies into their systems to improve efficiency because Google and Microsoft have invested heavily in generative artificial intelligence.

According to a recent Wall Street Journal report, Big Tech is struggling to make money with these shiny new tools. According to enablement tech firm Seismic, new data shows that the investments will definitely pay off in the long run.

An enablement technology tool reduces employee workload in a number of ways, including streamlining workflows.

According to Seismic’s “The State of AI in Enablement” report for 2023, 81% of sales and customer service managers expect revenue growth as a result of incorporating AI into their go-to-market processes, and respondents predicted a 23% increase in revenue over the next five years.

87% of those who already use AI say their companies plan to invest more in generative AI next year, according to the data.

According to CEO Doug Winter, “AI’s potential for enablement is certainly thrilling, but there is a sense of apprehension about the payoffs.” A positive ROI for AI-powered enablement efforts will take time.

According to Winter, 66% of leaders surveyed encountered initial challenges, such as slow adoption and integration, before experiencing positive results.

93% of respondents who intend to increase their investment in enabling technology in 2024 attribute their decision to advances in artificial intelligence.