America can win against China for military tech supremacy
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Military technology executives said American defense startups developing artificial intelligence systems are essential to keeping up with Chinese rivals.

China puts a great deal of effort into innovation, and we shouldn’t be naive about that,” said Red 6 CEO Dan Robinson. There is no escaping the fact that China, specifically the [Chinese Communist Party], is a real threat.

“The country is understanding that a lot of innovation now comes from nontraditional sources,” Robinson, who was previously an Air Force F-22 pilot, said. Having small, innovative startups and embracing technology allows us to move quickly.

According to a September 2022 report by the Special Competitive Studies Project, a technology and security think tank, China believes AI weapons can combat U.S. military dominance. An Oct. 19 Pentagon report states that the Chinese military has made AI and autonomy central to its concept of intelligentized warfare.

According to the project’s leader, the People’s Liberation Army successfully tested guided artillery shells using AI that calculated wind speed, temperature, and air pressure in mid-flight to adjust the trajectory of the projectiles. The rounds, which have a maximum range of nearly 10 miles, landed within centimeters of their targets.

According to Robinson, China has a “tremendous capability” in advanced weaponry. “I think in some ways they are ahead,” he said, though he added that the U.S. is also well reliant on AI weapons.

U.S. Navy and Air Force have been testing AI-guided weapons like autonomous warships and fighter jets that float and fly without crews. Additionally, the Senate urged the Army in July to develop wearable biometric devices that could calculate soldiers’ fatigue, hydration, and nutritional status for unit commanders to use.