A shadow of ‘Ukraine fatigue’ hangs over Polish politics
Throughout Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Warsaw has been a staunch supporter of Kyiv.
It has often been a leader in providing military aid and equipment, and argued passionately that this support is vital in protecting Poland itself from Russian aggression.
It is startling to see how the Polish government has changed its tone on Ukraine.
There is a feeling now that the knives are out for Kyiv from the political side.
Poland’s support for Ukraine is being hailed as a source of gratitude. Despite some in his party scrambling to soften his message, Poland’s prime minister issued a warning this week about ending weapons transfers.
Nevertheless, the Polish President did not misinterpret his words. According to Andrzej Duda, Ukraine is like a drowning man dragging his rescuers down with him.
This comment was greeted with glee by the Moscow government.
After a dispute over grain imports between the neighbouring countries, which has not been resolved yet, the dramatic decline in relations between the two countries began.
There is an urgent need for Ukraine to export its harvest, and land routes are becoming increasingly crucial due to the fact that Russia is intentionally attacking both ports on the Black Sea and the Danube river. To protect its own farmers, Poland will not allow cheaper Ukrainian grain to enter its domestic market any time soon, only allowing it to be sent to the rest of the European Union through transit as part of an effort to protect its own farmers.
As a result of this, Poland’s ruling Law and Justice Party, or PiS, feels that the equation is simple: the Polish farmers do not want Ukrainian grain to compete with their grain, and PiS wants them to vote in next month’s elections.
The Ukrainian capital is fuming, but the Polish airwaves – as well as social media platforms – are currently overflowing with pre-election talk and the tone is often almost shockingly vicious.