Hawaii fires: First victims named as death toll reaches 106
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Officials have identified the first victims of last week’s deadly wildfires on Maui island.

The first two victims were identified as Robert Dyckman, 74, and Buddy Jantoc, 79, by Maui’s police department.

About 1,300 people are still missing as a result of the fires. The death toll has now reached 106.

The number of those who died is unlikely to be determined for several days, Hawaii’s Governor Josh Green said.

Richard Bissen, Maui County Mayor, offered his deepest condolences to the families who are now receiving notifications about their loved ones. During this difficult time, we offer our prayers of comfort as a community.”

Authorities have identified three other individuals, whose next of kin will be notified.

Despite criticism of his government’s response, US President Joe Biden said he will travel to Hawaii “as soon as possible.”

On Tuesday, the president said he hadn’t visited due to concerns that it would divert resources from the humanitarian response. According to him, Jill Biden will accompany him to Hawaii.

It’s not my intention to get in the way. I’ve been to too many disaster areas,” Mr Biden said. I want to make sure we don’t disrupt ongoing recovery efforts.”

“All federal assets” in the region, including the US military and Coast Guard, would be used for recovery efforts.

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As more bodies are recovered from the worst hit parts of Maui, officials in Hawaii expect the death toll to rise. Human remains have only been found in 25% of the affected area so far.

In the fire, approximately 80% of Lahaina – a town of about 12,000 residents – was destroyed.

Maui residents have expressed frustration at the scale and speed of the recovery effort, according to the also reports that residents had no official warning before fleeing the fires.

Les Munn, a resident, said he had so far received $500 (£392) from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema).

He is still sleeping in a shelter for now.

Felicia Johnson, another local, said that “everyone wants the glory but nobody wants to put their feet on the ground”.

One woman said she feared starvation in the days following the fire on a street above the fire line in Lahaina