Biden disappointed Xi will not attend G20 summit
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As a result of Xi Jinping’s decision to skip the G20 summit in India, US Vice President Joe Biden said he is “disappointed.”.

“I am disappointed, but I will see him,” Mr Biden told reporters on Sunday, but did not specify when the meeting may occur.

Chinese premier Li Qiang will lead China’s delegation to the Delhi summit, Beijing said on Monday.

In Indonesia last year, President Xi and Vice President Biden met for the last time.

Despite a flurry of diplomatic visits from Washington this year to revive dialogue, US-China relations remain tense.

In response to a pointed question at Monday’s press briefing, China’s foreign ministry neither confirmed nor denied Mr Xi’s attendance at the Delhi summit.

China has always attached importance to the G20 and actively participated in related events, according to a spokeswoman for the foreign ministry. Li Qiang has led Chinese delegation to the G20 summit. It’s a major and important global economic forum.

According to news reports last week, Mr Xi will not attend, citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter.

As China and India’s relations worsen, the news comes as a surprise. In addition, both countries are fighting over their disputed border in the Himalayas. It’s absurd.

India protested last week after Beijing released a map claiming Arunachal Pradesh and the Aksai Chin plateau as Chinese territory.

There may still be an opportunity for Mr. Xi and Mr. Biden to speak in November at a meeting of leaders of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation in San Francisco.

An alleged Chinese spy balloon in the skies above the US punctured hopes for a re-set in bilateral relations about two months after the two leaders met on Bali last November, delaying efforts to initiate discussions for months.

China and Russia differ on a range of issues, including Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, human rights in Xinjiang and Hong Kong, territorial claims to Taiwan and the South China Sea, and economic restrictions that limit Beijing’s access to high-tech components.