Africa proposes global carbon taxes to fight climate change
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A joint declaration by African leaders proposes a global carbon tax regime to combat climate change.

Kenya’s capital hosted the three-day Africa Climate Summit that culminated in the Nairobi Declaration.

On Wednesday, major polluters were asked to contribute more resources to poorer nations, according to the document.

During the COP28 summit in November, African heads of state said they would use it as the basis for their negotiating positions.

During the African Climate Summit, a lot of attention was paid to how to mobilize financing to adapt to increasingly extreme weather, conserve natural resources, and develop renewable energy sources.

According to researchers, Africa receives only about 12% of the nearly $300bn (£240bn) in annual financing it needs to combat climate change.

World leaders were encouraged in the Nairobi Declaration to support a global carbon taxation regime that includes a carbon tax on fossil fuel trade, maritime transport, and aviation. A global financial transaction tax may also be incorporated.

The quoted human rights activist Graça Machel as saying the declaration marked an important step forward.

According to her, Africa is a player, and the world cannot move forward without it.

It is not Africa’s place to be helped. It is Africa’s place to offer opportunities, to offer investment, to offer solutions.”

By implementing such measures, the Nairobi Declaration said, climate-related investments could be funded on a large scale and the issue of tax increases would be protected from geopolitical and domestic political pressures.